Typical course of late-onset Pompe disease (LOPD)
- Myalgia3
- Fatigue3
- Exercise intolerance3,6
- Skeletal muscle lose strength (lower limbs before upper)1,3
- Compensory patterns of movement and posture6
- Osteopenia or osteopororis6
- Impaired respiration function, particulary apparent when lying down and sleeping3,6
- Dependent on wheelchair1,3
- Often require assisted ventilation1,3
- Respiratory failure common cause of death3,6

Diagnosing Pompe disease
Early diagnosis and treatment are critical for delaying permanent organ damage.4
About 95% of LOPD patients have elevated serum CK, and this combined with classic symptoms can be an early indicator.2,3 The diagnostic flow for confirmation of the condition is shown in this diagram.

Typical late-onset Pompe disease diagnostic pathway
Other alternative clinical routes
can be taken. For example:
- Lung function and muscle strength tests2
- MRI to visualise the degree of muscle damage5
- Muscle biopsy – histology and histochemistry2

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